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Newspaper carrier rapist, killer seeks another appeal


OMAHA, Neb. (AP) – A Nebraska man who raped and killed a
15-year-old newspaper carrier in 2003 is again taking his bid to
get off death row to the Nebraska Supreme Court.
Jeffrey Hessler was convicted in 2004 of kidnapping, raping and
killing Heather Guerrero, of Gering.
In his latest bid for post-conviction relief, Hessler claims
ineffective counsel. He says his attorneys failed to tell the court
that he suffered from mental health problems, including
Scotts Bluff County District Judge Randall Lippstreu dismissed
that claim earlier this year. Hessler is appealing the judge’s
decision to the Nebraska Supreme Court, which will hear arguments
on Thursday.
Hessler’s conviction and death sentence were upheld by the
Nebraska Supreme Court in November 2007, after he appealed on other


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