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Pipeline Foes to Continue with Suits Regardless of Federal Action

Keystone_construction_ND1-306x204LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Nebraska opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline are vowing to overturn a state law that let former Gov. Dave Heineman approve the route, regardless of what happens at the federal level.

Jane Kleeb of the group Bold Nebraska said Wednesday that landowners will continue their lawsuits challenging the state’s 2012 pipeline-siting law. The law allowed pipeline builder TransCanada to bypass Nebraska’s Public Service Commission, which is independent of governors.

Some Nebraska landowners and environmental groups are urging President Barack Obama to reject a presidential permit for the oil pipeline. Kleeb says Obama doesn’t have to wait because of what’s happening in Nebraska, because the route will be challenged regardless.

Kleeb and other groups that have been in contact with the White House say a decision could come in early March.

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