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CNPPD Votes to Permit Alcohol Use at Johnson, Jeffrey, Other Lakes

cnppdThe Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District’s board of directors passed a motion to permit the use of alcohol on District lakes associated with the Supply Canal.

According to Nebraska law, the consumption of alcohol on any property owned by the state or a governmental subdivision is prohibited unless authorized by the governing bodies having jurisdiction over such property.

The board had decided at its March meeting to look into the issue further in response to confusion among visitors to Johnson Lake about rules concerning the consumption of alcohol at the lake.  Alcohol consumption is allowed — subject to a number of regulations — in the campgrounds at Johnson Lake operated by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC), but was prohibited on the water.

In a 10-0 vote during Monday’s monthly meeting (two directors were absent), the board authorized the consumption of alcohol on all of Central’s Supply Canal lakes, including Johnson, Jeffrey and Midway lakes as well as Elwood Reservoir.  The action does not apply to Lake McConaughy where alcohol is prohibited.

Alcohol use on Central’s lakes remains subject to state laws that regulate the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages, particularly with regard to operating a watercraft while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Central staff solicited comments from the public before today’s decision.  Public input overwhelmingly favored removal of the prohibition of alcohol on District lakes.

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