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Archdiocese Ending Probe Into Life of Boys Town Founder

boys-townOMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Another step has been taken in efforts to have sainthood declared for the founder of Boys Town in Omaha.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha announced Monday that it has ended its investigation into the life and virtue of the Rev. Edward Flanagan. Flanagan was depicted in the Oscar-winning 1938 movie “Boy’s Town.” The home has become a center for troubled area youth while running campuses and programs for thousands of other boys and girls across the country.

Omar Gutierrez is Omaha Archbishop George Lucas’ assistant, and he said Monday the next step in the process is submission of the diocesan findings to the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, a Vatican entity. If approved, Flanagan would be named “venerable,” a preliminary declaration on the path toward sainthood.

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