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Scottsbluff man charged in double stabbing

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. (AP) – A Scottsbluff man is being held on $200,000 bond after he was arrested in connection with the stabbing of two men in a Scottsbluff parking lot.  KNEB is reporting that Christopher Ceplecha was charged Thursday with three counts of use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony, one count of first-degree assault and two counts of second-degree assault.  Police say the stabbing occurred when Ceplecha and his girlfriend’s brother fought over things that were said about the man’s sister.  The man was stabbed four times, including three wounds to the abdomen. Another man was stabbed once in the arm.  The men were taken to a hospital where one is in fair condition.  There is no record of the other.  Court records did not contain attorney information for Ceplecha.

High School Dropout Age

NE Governor Dave Heineman

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) – Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman and several key lawmakers say they’re considering a proposal to close a loophole in state law that lets 16- and 17-year-olds drop out of school with a parent’s permission.  Heineman says he has talked with Omaha Sen. Brad Ashford about a possible bill when lawmakers reconvene in January.  The U.S. Department of Education says that, as of last year, Nebraska was one of 21 states to require student attendance until age 18. But Sen. Greg Adams of York, chairman of the Legislature’s Education Committee, says the law also allows students to stop attending at age 16 with a parent’s notarized consent.  Ashford says that provision seems counterproductive, given Nebraska’s recent efforts to reduce truancy.

Vietnam vets gathering Aug. 11-14 in Gering

GERING, Neb. (AP) – About 400 Vietnam veterans from Nebraska,
North and South Dakota, Colorado and other states are expected to attend the 27th annual Nebraska Vietnam Veterans Reunion.  Most of the events are scheduled for Aug. 11-14 at the Gering Civic Center.  Speakers include veterans service officers and a readjustment counseling therapist. Among the other events are a golf outing, history tours and a steak feed.  More information is available on the reunion website, www.vetsreunion.com.

Neb.’s Nelson votes against debt deal in Senate

U.S. Senator Ben Nelson

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) – U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson has voted against the debt ceiling deal in the Senate, making him the only member of
Nebraska’s congressional delegation to vote against the measure.  Nelson, a Democrat, objected to the plan “because it will cut
Medicare, a promise we’ve made to Nebraska seniors that I intend to
keep.”  The measure had already gathered the 60 votes needed to pass the emergency debt limit bill by the time Nelson cast his “no” vote Tuesday.  Without the legislation, the government’s ability to
borrow would run out at midnight.  Republican Sen. Mike Johanns, Nebraska’s junior senator, voted for the measure.

Amtrak hits irrigation system in Nebraska

HASTINGS, Neb. (AP) – Officials say no one was seriously injured
when Amtrak’s eastbound California Zephyr hit an irrigation system
that moved on the tracks in southeast Nebraska.
The Hastings Tribune says the train hit a
center pivot Monday morning just west of Exeter.
Fillmore County Emergency Manager Donna Mainwaring describes it
as a “minor traffic accident.” She says she doesn’t know why the
irrigation system moved from a field and crossed the tracks.
Amtrak spokesman Marc Magliari says the train, which travels
between San Francisco and Chicago, had two locomotives and 10 cars.
He says the locomotives were damaged.
Magliari says no serious injuries were reported among the 247
passengers and crew, but two engineers in the lead locomotive were
treated and released from a local hospital.

Scottsbluff man may have been beaten to death (Update)

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. (AP) – Authorities say a man found dead in his independent living apartment in Scottsbluff may have been beaten to death. According to KNEB radio, Scotts Bluffs Attorney Doug Warner says an autopsy on Wednesday determined that 49-year-old Ralph MaGee died of a broken neck due to blunt force trauma. MaGee’s body was found Tuesday morning by staff in his apartment at Cirrus House, an independent and assisting living complex. Warner says the autopsy indicated he died sometime after 11:30 p.m. on Monday.

Nebraska study finds evidence of nearly 20 cougars

CHADRON, Neb. (AP) – A Nebraska expert estimates that nearly 20 mountain lions have taken up residence in the Panhandle’s Pine Ridge area.  Sam Wilson is the non-game mammal and fur-bearing program manager for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Wilson told the Lincoln Journal Star that dogs were used to find mountain lion droppings in Sioux, Dawes and Sheridan counties.  He says 33 samples were sent for detailed genetic analysis.  Wilson says that the test results and other information lead him to estimate that there are 19 mountain lions living in the Pine Ridge area.  Mountain lions, also called cougars and pumas, have turned up as far east in Nebraska as Omaha.

Heat continues to stress livestock in Neb.

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) – The U.S. Department of Agriculture says the ongoing heat and humidity continue to put stress on livestock, but farmers are making progress with the wheat and hay harvest because of dry weather.
The USDA in its weekly crop report on Monday says temperatures across Nebraska were about 3 degrees above normal last week, with highs mainly in the mid to upper 90s. Rainfall ranged from over 2 inches in south central Nebraska to just a trace in the Panhandle.  Seventy-seven percent of the corn crop is in good to excellent condition, with 75 percent of the soybeans in good to excellent shape.  The wheat harvest is 87 percent complete, about six days behind the average.  The second cutting of alfalfa was 88 percent.  The average is 92 percent.

Military investigates death of 82nd paratrooper

82nd Airborne Painting

FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) – Military officials are investigating the death of an 82nd Airborne Division paratrooper who died from complications associated with a heat-related injury sustained during physical training.  A statement from the 82nd Airborne Division said Monday that Sgt. Joshua Mann of Winside, Nebraska, died Saturday evening at Womack Army Medical Center after he was injured on Friday.  Mann served as an airborne infantry team leader with Company C, 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team. He deployed to Iraq in August 2009 and received a number of medals, among them the National Defense Service Medal and the Army Commendation Medal with one oak leaf cluster.  An 82nd Airborne spokesman says Mann is survived by his wife, Rachel, and parents David and Melanie.

Scottsbluff leaders leave flood concerns behind

Platte River near Scottsbluff

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. (AP) – As far as Scottsbluff leaders are concerned, their worries about summer flooding are over.  City Manager Rick Kuckkahn told Scottsbluff television KDUH that city government will refocus its attention on subjects other than flood protection.  The Riverside Discovery Center and campground have reopened, and any city-owned buildings that had water seep in have dried out.  Kuckkahn says Scottsbluff planned for flooding much worse that what occurred, but he says the city would do the same next time there was a threat from the North Platte River.

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