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Judge to Weigh Fairness of NFL Concussion Deal

nfl_logo2011-medPHILADELPHIA (AP) — Critics of what could be a $1 billion settlement of NFL concussion lawsuits will have their day in court in Philadelphia.

Dozens of former players, relatives and lawyers on Wednesday hope to speak to the judge weighing final approval.

The deal was announced last year to settle claims the NFL long hid what it knew about concussion risks.

The NFL expects about 6,000 former players to develop Alzheimer’s disease or dementia in the coming decades. They would get an average $190,000.

Some critics say that’s not enough to cover their needs — especially when the NFL takes in $10 billion each year.

Lead plaintiff Kevin Turner is battling Lou Gehrig’s disease and can’t make the hearing. But he hopes the deal is approved.

Turner says time is of the essence for players like him.

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